Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Daily Fight

I always expected the terrible twos to be bad and for things to get difficult when Katie started wanting to do things by herself. I am happy to let her do things for herself and I can learn to be more patient when she wants to do things that I could do in two seconds. I never thought it would be like this. Katie wants to do everything by herself. Note the italics and bold type. She is sweet until it is time to head upstairs to bed. Then World War III begins. If you touch her, or suggest that you might, in the future, sometime, touch her, or help her, or in any way shape or form THINK about helping her, she has a TOTAL meltdown. A screaming, crying, throw down on the floor kind of meltdown. Then you have to start whatever you were doing over again, from scratch. If she was taking her shirt off and you helped her get it unstuck, she has to put her shirt back on to take off again BY HERSELF. That's not the worst part, however. The worst part is the screaming and crying while she insists that she put her shirt back on, then screams and cries over not being able to put it back on, then screams and cries that you helped her put it back on and THEN screams and cries that she can't get it off.

Seriously, that is exactly what happened to me (and more) last night and exactly what Jim is facing right now as I type this Tuesday night before I go to choir.

I'm hoping that some of the problem comes from being too tired. She went to bed late Sunday night because of the ice cream trip and then all the fighting had us going to bed a little later than normal. She's still not up to snuff after being so sick last week. Fortunately, she is going to bed earlier tonight so maybe tomorrow will be better. If not, it'll be like crossing Godzilla with a banshee and putting her to bed with a porcupine.


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