Monday, July 14, 2008

Item 15, 16, 17, 18 - all in one day!

We had a very productive day last week on July 3rd. Jim, amazingly, had the day off from work. Apparently, his company was given both Thursday and Friday off. It was wonderful to have him home, especially since Katie and I spent the morning at the Farmer's Market with Heather and Ben. We shopped and watched the kids run in circles around the booths. It was hilarious to watch them. They would look at each other, smile with a mischievous glint in their eyes and then take off running again, arms pumping in that oh so cute way that only two-year-olds can pull off.

And that takes me to item 15: spending more time with friends and connecting with Katie's friends. I am in a wonderful mom's group where all of our first children are the same age. I love to connect with these moms to share the triumphs and tribulations of raising our kids, and the rest of our lives. For those moms I have become close friends with, I really wanted to get some extra time to spend with them this summer for a couple of reasons. One, I feel like I fell off the face of the planet during my first year teaching and two, I want to encourage friendships between our kids as they get to be old enough to start developing such things. It would mean a lot to me for some of us, and our kids, to still be friends 15 years from now. (Yes I'm a totally sappy person, that's just the way it is.) As a fellow teacher, Heather and I discussed getting together to let our kids play and hang out some this summer as our schedules allowed and we have so far gone to the pool, the Farmer's Market, and the Museum of Life and Science.

Check out our game of ring around the rosy at the Farmer's Market while Heather takes the picture!Aren't those the most innocent "Who? Me?" looks you ever saw?

Item 16: Buy beautiful flower baskets to spruce up me front porch. Okay, so this one wasn't originally on my list but the flower baskets at the Farmer's market were amazing and relatively inexpensive and I had been thinking about needing to put something on the front porch ever since the ferns died (a veeeeery long time ago). I have a bit of a black thumb so, we'll see how long they last. :)

Once I purchased the baskets, they were followed, out of necessity, by Item 17: Have Jim pleeeease fix the drip system to the hanging baskets. We have a nice drip system that Jim strung up years ago to negate by black thumb problems but they haven't been working since the disappearance of the ferns so... he quickly got them back in working order. Now all we need is a timer so it's really dumby proof...

Finally, I come to Item 18: remove yucky shrubs obscuring access to spigot. This was not originally supposed to be on this summer's list because we don't really have a lot of cash right now and it was supposed to go along with another item that included purchasing something looking but fake to put in place of the bushes so it wouldn't look quite so bare. However, I returned from the Farmer's Market to find the bushes...gone. SO, I guess part two, putting pretty stuff in it's place, will be on next summer's list. :)

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