Thursday, July 3, 2008

Item 12 - The Eye Doctor

This summer is about getting on a schedule to go to the doctor for my regular checkups. Last week, I went to the GYN. I was actually early (I remember to call at 12 months and it takes 3 months to get an appt) for a change and that was possible since I changed insurance this past year. I've been going to the eye doctor sporadically and went for 4 or 5 years without going at all, which isn't very good for someone with such bad nearsightedness that I only see a slightly shaped blob in a mirror 6 feet away. Basically, I am blind without my contacts or glasses. Not changing your contacts at all for 4 years is not good for your eyes, by the way. So, I am going to try to get into a routine of making summer doctor appointments in like, March and having them, in say, June. Hence, the eye doctor on Monday this last week. Unfortunately, what I wanted to hear was that I could get 30 day wear soft contacts which he entirely shot down. Apparently, moving from soft to hard is difficult because the image is not as clear and sharp and the image you get with hard lenses. I know myself well enough to know that I will be frustrated if I get a blurry image with soft contacts, even if it still is 20/20. Also, he doesn't recommend that anyone wear contacts overnight. period. Fabulous. I was really hoping this would be a solution for me since my eyes are too high a prescription for Lasik to be a good option. Sleeping in contacts for 30 days would be just as good, in my opinion, without the risk. Ah well, perhaps Scotty will beam back an eye doctor from the 23th century who can fix everything up in a jiffy. :)

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